To Obsess or Not to Obsess:


That is the Question! Part 1

I have decided should turn my eyes to those things in Torah that have done the greatest harm to the Children of Israel so I can avoid them. Thus “rectification” of the sin of the spies should also become one of my obsessions.

When confessing the sin of my fathers, I am saying “When we and our fathers “did not” align ourselves with Torah, we gave power and influence over to evil forces. Through the study of Torah, I can find a place in Torah that allows me to begin to rectify that evil speech of the spies and myself and to take back some of the ground that I and others have given over to the forces of evil. There is a verse that states, “When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.” (Deu. 8:10) I can use this verse to realign myself and my fathers with Torah, for the good of all mankind.

I say this after eating, as a prayer of thanksgiving not only for food but for all the provisions that my God has given me. Every time I proclaim this verse, I realign myself with Torah by keeping a a commandment and at the same time, I start the process of unraveling evil speech made against the Land by the those Men that brought “doubt” to others so that later, they would give the Land away for peace.

Part 2

Daily, I review where I am “today” and I ask myself “how I am doing?” For example, I am currently exiled from the Good Land, living in a land that is filled with myriads of things to obsess over so. Realizing this, the goal of becoming obsessed with YHVH and the Good Land is going to take some doing.

Admitting out loud “America this is not the good land of Israel,” keeps me grounded in the YHVH reality and the reality Israel is the good Land. No, America is not the Holy land. It has been just like a great nest to grow up in but soon The LORD will cause the thorns and thistles to prosper here so that we will be forced to leave here and go home or die.

It is said that you trade one addiction for another so I assume you can trade one obsession for another. America is a place of both obsession and addiction. It used to be a place where God was feared and its’ currency even proclaimed “In God we trust.” Over the last fifty years, America’s currency has been devalued and a Middinite mentality has taken over its’ thinking process.

Even the term, “In God we trust” has been diluted and mixed with other meanings to the point that I’m not quite sure what it means anymore. There is no durable silver or gold left in this term and it has been reduced to a simple cliché. Only in my heart, can I keep a place open and vacant, for YHVH to place His Holy Name so in myself, I can say “In God alone do I trust.”

Part 3

Remember, “Fear only GOD is the meaning of “In GOD we trust.” The beginning of the commandment of fearing GOD is to know and understand the masculine and feminine aspects of the ONE who holds the office of GOD. Since there is only ONE GOD, any other entity that professes to hold a similar office would have to be a “False gods that we must fight from within.”

“Fearing only GOD” embraces humility and humility embraces piety. So by “The Fear of GOD” it is meant, the fear of sin. In fact, when one is occupied only with the simple meanings of Torah, he/she sees himself/ herself as poor (In need) and dead (to self).

During the Egyptian Slavery, the Children of Israel were unable to hear about their forthcoming redemption, because of the heavy burden of their servitude. Today, we are slaves in American but mostly we are unable to see it because we do not hear the words of Moshe clearly. For that reason we lack GOD’S Spirit to its fullest.

Sick people, that lack the fullness of GOD’S spirit, cannot think about anything but how to satisfy “Self’s” immediate needs. They are looking for instant relief, and do not have the ease of mind it takes to envision our Creators redemption, and to yearn for its freedom.

Obsession with this strange “focus” blocks the Creators Voice from within. The Sages explain, in the same way, that Israel could not listen to Moshe’s words, because it was difficult for them to separate themselves from the call of idol worship.


Naso on Sotah


Where the Seed is Sown